Congratulations to the ECEC's newly elected Policy Council members! A special thanks to all the parents who voted in this year's election.
- Preschool Representatives: Donna Enas, Michelle Johnson, and Kimberly Manuel
- Infant/Toddler Representatives: Torri Brown and Felicia Toya
- Home-based Representative: Genoveva Ramos
- Education Board Representative: Kim Anton

Donna Enas: I live in the Salt River Community. I’m a parent of five children. My oldest son recently graduated from Salt River High School and is continuing to higher education. My youngest son is in the Head Start Deer classroom. My three middle children attend Salt River Elementary School and Salt River High School.
This will be my second term serving on the Policy Council. I see my role as one that represents the parents of the ECEC and being their voice on policies. I will build a connection for collaboration with Policy Council about any concerns and changes we might need to address.
Michelle Johnson: I live here in the Community and I am Piipaash and O’odham. I am my nephew's caregiver and he attends school at the ECEC. I currently work for the O’odham Piipaash Language Program as a Piipaash Education Specialist. I am learning the Piipaash language so I may one day teach the Community's Piipaash language classes. I have been a caregiver to my family both young and elder and it has given me much understanding and patience when it comes to decision making.
I am interested in joining the Policy Council because I believe in “Community.” I remain hopeful in continuing the work that many parents have done before. The role of Policy Council member is that of a voice for the Community and to provide support and participate in working with other parents and staff. As a Policy Council member, I will bring my best work ethic in partnership and direction. I believe my experience as a parent, Community member and employee of SRPMIC will be beneficial.
Kimberly Manuel: This is my second term serving on the Policy Council. I live in the Lehi District of SRPMIC. I currently have guardianship of my five grandchildren and I am very much involved in making sure they get the proper education from Salt River Schools. I have a grandson who attends the ECEC, a grandson who attends Salt River Elementary School and two grandchildren who attend Salt River High School.
I have learned many things regarding the operation of the Head Start program and I am eager to learn more. I am going to pursue more involvement from parents and I will listen to and voice their concerns to the proper authorities. I am currently in the process of submitting a proposal to the Education Board to have an indoor playground built at the ECEC, which has always been my dream for our Community children.
Torri Brown: I am a Community member and a mother of four children. My daughter attends the Early Head Start at ECEC. I worked at the ECEC for five years. I believe this experience and knowledge can help in my role on the Policy Council. I am a double major for IT and Social Work at SCC. I am currently working at the Talking Stick Resort.
I want the best outcomes for all students. I want to ensure that children grow both emotionally and academically. That all children, regardless of abilities or differences, have the same opportunities to reach their greatest potential. I want to ensure all families are aware of the many resources available to them, including special education and behavioral health.
Felicia Toya: I am a mother of three and two of my children are at the ECEC. My son is in the Roadrunner Classroom and my daughter is in the Hummingbird Classroom. I was previously employed as an ECEC Health Assistant, so I am able to provide both a parent and staff perspective to issues that arise.
I will be an advocate for all parents on the Policy Council and help raise awareness for issues parents may be experiencing at the ECEC. I am excited to share my knowledge of health and wellness with other parents and I hope others come to know me as someone who has their best interest, as well as their child's best interest, at heart.
Genoveva Ramos: I am the mother of six beautiful children and a stay at home mommy. I am an outgoing person always looking for opportunities to be better as a human being. This is my second term serving on the Policy Council. Participating on the Policy Council allows me to voice my opinion and those of other parents. I look forward to representing the parents and children of the ECEC.
Kim Anton: I am an enrolled Community member and a member of the Education Board. I am a parent of three grown children and a grandparent of three granddaughters. I am the oldest of four siblings and I am a descendant of an original Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community allottee.
I enjoy serving on the Policy Council to help parents and families have the best Head Start experience possible and provide training for the parents and caregivers to improve their knowledge of effective home environments for academic success. I am committed to the Policy Council and will strive to be as transparent as possible with all parties while respecting the privacy of children and families.
Background information.
PURPOSE: The ECEC Policy Council is elected by the families of currently enrolled ECEC children. The purpose of the Policy Council is to review and approve all Head Start program areas. Members of the Policy Council represent all ECEC parents/guardians and are elected each year. You may nominate yourself or another parent.
WHEN: Forms will be available through September 10 at the ECEC front desk.
WHAT’S NEXT: Each nominee will be contacted by ECEC staff. If the nominee is eligible to serve and the nomination is accepted, then campaign information about the candidate will be compiled. The information and a ballot will be provided to all parents/guardians of currently enrolled ECEC students.
VOTING: Voting parents/guardians will review candidate information and cast their ballots, which will be accepted until October 2.
Click here to download a nomination form. For more information, call 480-362-2219.