The ECEC Policy Council is a group of Head Start and Early Head Start parents/guardians and Community members who help lead and make decisions about their program.
Policy Council members are elected by the parents/guardians of children enrolled in the program. Meetings are open to all ECEC families and Community members.
Meetings are generally held the second Monday of every month beginning at 5:30 p.m. Meeting dates can be rescheduled, so please confirm meeting dates by calling the ECEC at 480-362-2200.
Important Documents:
You can access the Policy Council meetings by calling the ECEC at 480-362-2200 to have the virtual meeting link (Microsoft Teams) emailed to you and join from your computer or phone.

Here are your elected 2023-2024SY Policy Council representatives:
There are two Early Head Start representatives (Lorna Phillips and Ruben Reyes); three Head Start representatives (Jocy Goseyun, Kim Manuel, and Robyn Masten); one Home-Based representative (Martha Ludlow-Martinez); and one Education Board representative (Heaven Sepulveda).
Click here to learn more about Policy Councils from the National Head Start Association.