Click here to view the Salt River Schools Health & Safety Plan.
Click here to read the ECEC Hybrid & Remote Learning Plan.
Click here to view the ECEC's COVID-19 FAQs.
Click here to view COVID-19 notices sent to ECEC families from July 1 through December 29, 2021.
Updated June 13, 2022
We recently became aware of two individuals from the Early Childhood Education Center with test-confirmed cases of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Wednesday, June 8. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated June 10, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Wednesday, June 8. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated June 8, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Friday, June 3. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated June 8, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated June 2, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Wednesday, June 1. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated May 23, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated May 19, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Wednesday, May 18. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated May 16, 2022
Here are some important upcoming dates to save.
- Thursday, May 19: The official end of the Head Start program year.
- Optional Head Start summer program runs Monday, May 23, to Friday, June 24, from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- The ECEC bus services will end on May 19. If you have any questions contact Melinda Hansen at 480-362-2206.
- Friday, May 20: The ECEC will be closed for Professional Development.
- ECEC summer hours begin Monday, May 23, and end Friday, July 22, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Updated May 12, 2022
We recently became aware of two individuals from the Early Childhood Education Center with test-confirmed cases of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Tuesday, May 10. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated May 6, 2022
Beginning Monday, May 9, Salt River Schools, including all sites and programs, will be mask-optional. This is in compliance with Phase 4 of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community’s Return to Work Plan. Please continue to be vigilant about health and hygiene, and please keep students home if they are sick. Please also continue to inform your child’s school leaders if your student receives a test-positive case of COVID-19. Questions? Call 480-362-2500 or your child’s school.
Updated May 4, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Thursday, April 28. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated April 18, 2022
The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community recently transitioned to Phase 4 of the Return to Work Plan. However, due to a slight increase in COVID-19 cases at Salt River Schools, the Education Division will continue to operate using the Phase 3.5 directives listed below until further notice. Please call 480-362-2500 with any questions.

Updated April 7, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Monday, April 4. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated March 25, 2022
The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community recently transitioned to Phase 3.5 of the Return to Work Plan, which is linked at the top of this page. Salt River Schools (ECEC, SRES, and ALA) also follows these directives; however, our procedures differ in small, but important ways. Please review the Salt River Schools Phase 3.5 Directives below. Please call 480-362-2500 with any questions.
Updated March 22, 2022
One of the many mitigation efforts in place at the ECEC is having children stay in one classroom with the same peers throughout the day. As the Community has transitioned into Phase 3 of its Return to Work Plan, the ECEC will implement new practices beginning Wednesday, March 23, to support interactions between children and their peers and help maintain staff efficiency throughout the day. Click here to read the full PDF.
Updated March 16, 2022
The Salt River Fire Department was called to the ECEC today to assist in an issue during which our students and staff had to evacuate the building. The issue was resolved within 15 minutes.
I wanted to let families know about this incident and encourage parents and guardians to talk about it with your young children; I suggest letting your child talk about their experience and let them know how important it is to be safe and listen to directions. You can also tell them how proud you are of them: I am happy to say that our staff and students evacuated the building quickly and calmly, as they do when we practice for emergencies like this.
If you have any questions regarding the evacuation or our safety drills, please contact me at 480-362-2200.
Tami Brungard
ECE Leader
Updated March 4, 2022
A child at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Impetigo. Impetigo, one of the most common skin infections among children, typically produces blisters or sores on the face, neck, hands and diaper areas. Impetigo usually affects preschool- and school-aged children. A child may be more likely to develop impetigo if the skin has already been irritated by other skin problems, such as eczema. Routine washing of the face and hands can help prevent impetigo. If your child is experiencing symptoms of impetigo, you will be contacted to pick up your child. Click here to read the full notice.
Updated March 2, 2022
One of the many health mitigation efforts in place at the ECEC is having children stay in one classroom with the same peers throughout the day. When the need arises due to low numbers concerning children and staff shortages, ECEC staff contacts parents to obtain permission to combine classrooms or allow parents to make alternative arrangements for care.
During our school breaks, we typically see fewer students in attendance. In order to support social interactions, children will be placed in combined classrooms so they have peers to spend the day with. With this in mind, we're asking parents to please let us know ASAP what your plans/needs are for Spring Break (March 7-11):
Click here to view the ECEC Spring Break Schedule (childcare is provided at the ECEC during Spring Break).
Click here to download, sign, and submit the permission form. Call 480-362-2200 with any questions.
Updated Feb. 25, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Thursday, Feb. 24. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated Feb. 18, 2022
Watch this video of Tami Brungard, the ECE Leader for the Early Childhood Education Center, as she walks families through health and safety protocols (see the two documents linked in the 2/16/22 update below), as well as expectations for students returning to school on Tuesday, Feb. 22.
Updated Feb. 16, 2022
The Early Childhood Education Center is excited to welcome all of our students back to campus on Tuesday, Feb. 22! Click here to read our Welcome Back health protocols; click here to view our COVID-19 FAQ sheet.
We will host a virtual school meeting on Friday, Feb. 18, at noon via MS Teams. Staff and families with school-issued devices can click here to join the meeting; or you can dial into the meeting by calling 412-664-5196, followed by the conference ID 968 625 110#. We will review the documents linked above and answer any questions families have about returning to school on Tuesday.
Updated Feb. 14, 2022
SRPMIC recently transitioned to Phase 2 of its Return to Work Plan. That means Salt River Schools, including the Early Childhood Education Center, will return to in-person/on-campus learning beginning Tuesday, Feb. 22 (Monday is Presidents Day, a holiday). A broadcast message went out to SRS families on 2/11/22. Click here to read the full announcement. Questions? Give the ECEC a call at 480-362-2200.
Updated Jan. 14, 2022
The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community will return to a modified Phase 1.5 beginning Friday, January 14.
In Phase 1.5, our staff will work remotely and our buildings are not open to the public. However, Salt River Schools are here for you and will continue to provide virtual and drive-thru services! Click here to learn more about the Community’s Return to Work Plan and its phase system. Click here to view the modified Phase 1.5.
I don’t know how long this will last, but I will keep you informed as I learn more.
Please note:
- This transition will NOT affect virtual schooling for students; students will continue with their virtual school schedules until further notice. (Remember: Monday, Jan. 17, is a holiday.)
- The main line phone numbers for sites will be answered during business hours – give us a call!
- Education Administration: 480-362-2500
- Early Childhood Education Center: 480-362-2200
- Salt River Elementary School: 480-362-2400
- Accelerated Learning Academy: 480-362-2130
- Higher Education: 480-362-2547
- Students and families with a school-issued device can continue to call our IT Tech Helpline at 480-362-2088 or reach out to teachers/staff for help, as needed. Teachers and staff can be reached during business hours by email/work cell or via Teams and/or Class Dojo.
- Please continue to update your school if your child has a test-confirmed case of COVID-19.
Stay updated with all things Salt River Schools by checking our website and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube). I appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate this transition.
Dr. Vicky Corlett
Interim Acting Superintendent
Salt River Schools
Updated Jan. 3, 2022
The ECEC will transition to virtual services beginning Tuesday, Jan. 4. Click here to read the announcement from our Acting Interim Superintendent.
ECEC families can pick up supplies (diapers, wipes, learning materials, etc.) from the bus loop (entrance off Chaparral Road) on Thursday, Jan. 6, from 10-11:30 a.m.
Please let your child’s teacher or Family Advocate know if you are in need of specific supplies. Questions? Call 480-362-2200.
Updated Dec. 31, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Wednesday, Dec. 22. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full notice (sent via SchoolMessenger to ECEC families).
Updated Dec. 29, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Tuesday, Dec. 21. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full notice (sent via SchoolMessenger to ECEC families).
Updated Dec. 27, 2021
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Friday, Dec. 17. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full notice (sent via SchoolMessenger to ECEC families).
Updated Nov. 19, 2021
One of the many mitigation efforts in place at the ECEC is having children stay in one classroom with the same peers throughout the day. When student attendance is low or we experience a shortage in staff, we contact parents for permission to include their child in a combined classroom—or allow parents to make alternative arrangements for care.
During our school breaks, we typically see lower numbers for attendance. In order to support social interactions, different classrooms will be combined so children can interact with their peers.
To prepare for the upcoming winter break, we need parents to provide us with their attendance plans in advance.
ECEC winter break is December 20-30. During this time, the ECEC’s hours will be 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Our campus will be closed to students on Monday, Jan. 3, for staff professional development.
Please click here to fill out our easy form and turn it in to let us know what your winter break attendance plans are. Thank you!
Updated Nov. 18, 2021
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation are below. Click here to learn more.
Updated Sept. 8, 2021
The Salt River Schools Education Board approved the following hybrid and remote learning plans for the Early Childhood Education Center. Click here to read the plan.
Call 480-362-2200 for more information.
Updated Sept. 8, 2021
The following message was printed for families and also sent as a broadcast to families with updated phones and emails on file.
A student at the ECEC has a confirmed case of Herpangina, an infectious condition similar to hand-foot-and-mouth disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation are below. This information was adapted from Stanford Children's Hospital.
What is Herpangina? Herpangina is a sudden, viral illness in children, most often seen between the ages of 3-10 years. It is seen most often in the summer and fall.
What are the signs or symptoms? Children may experience different symptoms. Here are the most common:
- Small, blister-like bumps or sores (ulcers) in the mouth that are often found in the back of the throat or the roof of the mouth.
- Headache
- Sudden fever; a high fever can reach up to 106°F
- Pain in the mouth or throat
- Drooling
- Decrease in appetite
- Neck pain
How is it spread?
- Respiratory route (i.e. coughing, sneezing, drooling)
- Direct contact with fluid from sores
- Fecal-oral route
How do you control it?
- Teach children and caregivers/teachers to cover their mouths and noses when sneezing or coughing with a disposable facial tissue, if possible, or with a shoulder/elbow if no facial tissue is available.
- Teach everyone to wash hands right after using facial tissues or having contact with mucus and to change or cover contaminated clothing to prevent the spread of disease by contaminated hands.
- Treatment includes managing symptoms: isolation, drinking lots of water, and healthy diet.
Should your child present any of these symptoms, we recommend you consult your family healthcare provider. Any student presenting these signs and symptoms will be excluded from school. To return to the ECEC, students must have a note from a healthcare provider stating they are under treatment and cleared to return to school. If you have any questions, contact the ECEC Health Office at 480-362-2254/2210.
Tami Brungard
Early Childhood Education Leader
Updated Sept. 7, 2021
The following message was printed for families and also sent as a broadcast to families with updated phones and emails on file.
The ECEC continues to monitor the situation regarding children with symptoms of or diagnosed with Respiratory Syncytial Virus, also known as RSV. This message is to keep you informed of the important steps we’re taking to ensure the safety of ECEC staff, kids, and families.
- The building’s air ducts will be cleaned out during the evenings over the next couple of days.
- The entire ECEC campus will be disinfected and sanitized over the next several evenings, including:
- Building C
- Building B + offices
- Building A3 –A1
- Building D
- The SRPMIC Epidemiologist is working with Salt River Schools and ECEC leaders, as well as the State Epidemiologist, to ensure we implement all the necessary health and safety protocols.
In order to keep everyone safe and healthy, the ECEC will continue to follow these measures:
- Staff will screen all children for fever and cold/flu-like symptoms upon their arrival.
- Staff will clean and sanitize all high-touch and common areas throughout the day.
- Staff will minimize movement between classes as much as possible.
The most we ask from families is that you continue to monitor your child’s health and keep them home when they are ill. If you would like more information about RSV, including learning about its symptoms, how it’s spread, and how to prevent it, please review the previous post (posted 8/31/21).
If you have any other questions, please call the ECEC at 480-362-2200.
Thank you,
Tami Brungard
ECE Leader
Updated Aug. 31, 2021
The following message was printed for families and also sent as a broadcast to families with updated phones and emails on file.
The ECEC has been notified by several families that their children have symptoms of or have been diagnosed with Respiratory Syncytial Virus, also known as RSV. RSV is a virus that causes the common cold and other respiratory signs or symptoms. It is most common in the winter and early spring, but can occur year-round.
As always, ECEC classrooms are being cleaned, sanitized, and disinfected appropriately to limit the spread of RSV and other illnesses. This message is to inform you about RSV and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. We ask that all families keep children home when ill. Without violating anyone’s confidentiality, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by reading our full letter here.
Questions? Call the ECEC at 480-362-2200.
Updated Aug. 25, 2021
The following message will be printed for families and also sent as a broadcast to families with updated phones and emails on file.
We have received the updated SRPMIC Return Strong Plan (updated 8/20/21), which puts the Community in Phase 2.5. For schools, that means we are open to the public without an appointment. At the ECEC, families are welcome to come on-site to drop-off and pick-up their children using the procedures outlined in the document attached here.
In addition, we also notified families today that a child at the ECEC has or is suspected of having Respiratory Syncytial Virus, also known as RSV. RSV is a virus that causes the common cold and other respiratory signs or symptoms; RSV is most common in winter and early spring, but can occur year-round. This message is to inform you about RSV and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating anyone’s confidentiality, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found in the message attached here.
Questions? Call the ECEC at 480-362-2200.
Updated Aug. 17, 2021
The following message was printed for families and also sent as a broadcast to families with updated phones and emails on file.
Per the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community’s Tenth Directive (issued August 13): “Effective immediately, all individuals who are 2 years of age or older and within the Community are required to wear face coverings if outside of their residence and are or will be in contact with other individuals who are not from their household whether in a public place, business, restaurants, churches, schools, government facilities, or any space offered to or for use by the public.”
The ECEC has therefore updated the mask portion of our Health & Safety Plan (for Phase 2 and Phase 3 services). We expect all ECEC families to read and follow the new procedures outlined in this letter.
Questions? Contact ECE Leader Tami Brungard at 480-362-2200.
Updated 7/9/21
The following message was sent as a broadcast message to families with updated phones and emails on file; it was also printed and distributed to families at pick-up. Click here to read the PDF copy.
The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community announced an updated Return-to-Work Plan that is now in Phase 3, which means we can welcome families back onto the Early Childhood Education Center campus, so long as everyone follows the updated protocols outlined below. These protocols will help ensure children, families, and staff remain safe and healthy. We are excited to have families back on campus!
If your child has tested positive for COVID-19 or has been exposed to someone who tested positive, please notify ECE Leader Tami Brungard, who is the ECEC’s designated COVID-19 contact, at 480-362-2202.
If there is a confirmed incident of an individual testing positive for COVID-19 at the ECEC, a notification will be sent to all families and staff; please make sure we have your updated contact information on file. Staff and children who may have had close contact with the test-positive individual will receive an additional notification with specific instructions from the Community epidemiologist.
Families and children will be asked specific health-related questions and have their temperature checked at the ECEC. However, we ask that families please conduct a daily COVID-19 symptom and exposure check before coming to school. Has your child had any of the symptoms listed below that are NEW or DIFFERENT from usual?
- Fever (100.0+)
- Cough
- Severe headache
- Sore throat
- Difficulty breathing
- Loss of taste or smell that started in the last 10 days. (Children may say food tastes bad or funny.)
- Vomiting or diarrhea
If your child DOES have any of the symptoms listed above:
- Keep them home from school.
- Contact your child’s doctor.
- Contact the ECEC Attendance Line and let us know your child is sick and staying home from school.
MASKS: Children are not required to wear masks while in school. UPDATED - see post from 8/17/21 for new mask procedures. Families who prefer their child to wear a mask must make the request with the teacher. Teaching staff will assist children with wearing a mask throughout the day. Adults will wear a mask at all times when in contact with others.
Child Drop-off/Pick-up
- Before entering the ECEC lobby, adult family members should utilize the handwashing or hand sanitizer stations.
- Families will check children in and out with paper tickets using the finger-touch pad on the ProCare machines in the ECEC lobby or will need to acquire a handwritten paper ticket from the front desk.
- Family members who will be dropping off and/or picking up children on a regular basis should be registered in the ProCare system.
Campus Cleaning Schedule: Classroom staff will continue to follow a regular cleaning schedule within their classrooms. In addition, teaching staff will sanitize door knobs, countertops, tables, and other high-touch surfaces throughout the day. Offices and facilities will be cleaned and sanitized by SRPMIC Public Works.
Handwashing: Teaching staff will monitor handwashing in the classroom. ECEC will continue to follow current handwashing protocols in and out of the classroom.
Tami Brungard
ECE Leader
[email protected]
Updated 7/7/21
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility.
Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found in the attached letter, which was printed and distributed to families at the school, as well as messaged to families with emails on file.
If you have questions after reading this letter, please call our health office at 480-362-2254.