Click here for information about the COVID-19 and other health and wellness procedures observed by Salt River Schools.
Updated May 15, 2023
The ECEC will seamlessly transition to summer services on Monday, May 22. Questions? Contact 480-362-2200.
- The Early Head Start program year goes through July 21.
- Childcare is available May 22 to July 21 (minus holidays) for children who qualify for full-day services in Head Start.
- The ECEC summer hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (from 5/22 to 7/21).
Updated May 1, 2023
The safety and welfare of children and staff are the highest priority at Salt River Schools. At ECEC, we practice safety drills throughout the year to help prepare staff and students for real emergency situations.
This afternoon, ECEC practiced a lockdown drill led by our Safe Schools & Security Team, in partnership with the Salt River Police Department. The school conducts four lockdown drills every school year, or as needed. Our drills are not pre-announced. This type of drill secures the school building and safely shelters all students, staff and visitors inside the building.
The purpose of this drill is to ensure that during a real emergency, children, staff and visitors are kept safe from any danger that may occur outside or inside the building. During a lockdown drill all perimeter doors to the school building are locked and remain locked until the danger or issue outside or inside the building is removed. To ensure everyone remains safe, no one will be allowed to enter the building or leave the building until school and law enforcement officials authorize such a release.
Our school has worked closely with local authorities and representatives from U.S. Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to correctly develop and implement safety procedures. The goal of practicing emergency drills throughout the school year is to improve our ability to protect students, save lives and reduce injuries. These practice drills allow us to evaluate our emergency operation plans and improve our response skills.
We are pleased with the outcome of today’s drills and feel reassured that our safety plans can be implemented effectively by our staff.
Please note: During a real emergency, parents and emergency contacts of students will be notified during and after the event by Salt River Schools administrators through our notification system, which includes phone calls, texts and email, among other platforms.
As such, it is important your contact information on file be current. If you need to update your contact information, please contact the ECEC’s front office. It is important that parents and emergency contacts do not attempt to contact the school, teachers or students during an emergency as that could impact everyone’s safety.
Your child may tell you about today’s drill and it is important to talk with them about why it’s important and ask what they learned. Our goal, while practicing important safety procedures, is to be sure all students feel safe.
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to call ECEC at 480-362-2200.
Updated April 11, 2023
The ECEC will discontinue temperature screenings during the daily health check due to the decline of viruses at the ECEC.
We ask that parents continue to conduct a symptom check on their child before arriving to school each day. If your child appears sick or has symptoms of illness, please keep them home until their symptoms subside.
When your child arrives at the ECEC, they will undergo a brief health check in the classroom. If there is a concern, families will be directed to visit the health office for further assessment of symptoms. Health office staff will determine whether or not the child will attend school that day.
Thank you for all you do to support the ECEC's goal to keep children, staff, and families safe and healthy. If you have any questions, please contact your Family Advocate or call the ECEC at 480-362-2200.
Updated March 30, 2023
Today, March 30, the Salt River Schools Safety & Security team provided information about our school dress code policy to ECEC families. We also shared information about the SRPMIC ordinance regarding gang attire; click here to view that information.
Updated March 20, 2023
NOTICE TO ECEC FAMILIES: In order to meet the requirement for Early Head Start contact hours for the 2022-2023 program year, the last Early Release the ECEC will participate in will be April 12. The ECEC will not participate in Early Release on April 26, May 10, or any Early Release dates during the summer.
Updated March 7, 2023
The safety and welfare of children and staff are the highest priority at Salt River Schools. At the ECEC, we practice safety drills throughout the year to help prepare staff and students for real emergency situations.
This morning (3/7), the ECEC practiced a lockdown drill led by our Safe Schools & Security Team, in partnership with the Salt River Police Department. The school conducts four lockdown drills every school year, or as needed. Our drills are not pre-announced. This type of drill secures the school building and safely shelters all students, staff and visitors inside the building.
The purpose of this drill is to ensure that during a real emergency, students, staff and visitors are kept safe from any danger that may occur outside or inside the building. During a lockdown drill all perimeter doors to the school building are locked and remain locked until the danger or issue outside or inside the building is removed. To ensure everyone remains safe, no one will be allowed to enter the building or leave the building until school and law enforcement officials authorize such a release.
Our school has worked closely with local authorities and representatives from U.S. Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to correctly develop and implement safety procedures. The goal of practicing emergency drills throughout the school year is to improve our ability to protect students, save lives and reduce injuries. These practice drills allow us to evaluate our emergency operation plans and improve our response skills. Click here to learn more about the safety drills and procedures at Salt River Schools.
We are pleased with the outcome of today’s drills and feel reassured that our safety plans can be implemented effectively by our staff.
Please note: During a real emergency, parents and emergency contacts of students will be notified during and after the event by Salt River Schools administrators through our notification system, which includes phone calls, texts and email, among other platforms.
As such, it is important your contact information on file be current. If you need to update your contact information, please contact the ECEC’s front office. It is important that parents and emergency contacts do not attempt to contact the school, teachers or students during an emergency as that could impact everyone’s safety.
Your student may tell you about today’s drill and it is important to talk with them about why it’s important and ask what they learned. Our goal, while practicing important safety procedures, is to be sure all students feel safe.
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to call ECEC at 480-362-2200.
Updated March 2, 2023
The Salt River Schools Education Board and ECEC Policy Council recently approved the closure of our campus May 8-12 to allow all ECEC staff to attend the National Head Start Conference in Phoenix and participate in professional development activities at the ECEC. This means our building will be closed to students and families during this time. All ECEC families are asked to sign off that they are aware of the closure; you may do this on-site at the ECEC or sign and return the bottom section of this letter to the front desk or teacher. Additionally, families will be responsible for finding alternative care May 8-12.
This is a unique opportunity our staff are very excited about. We’ll be able to gather with other Head Start programs and refresh our commitment to Head Start’s vital mission. We’ll be able to discuss the latest developments, innovations, and obstacles in early childhood learning and teaching. Taking this opportunity to step away from our day-to-day work helps us look at the big picture and help drive our Head Start program to even greater heights.
We have funding for parents/guardians to attend the conference alongside ECEC staff; let your teacher or Family Advocate know if you are interested in attending the conference. The ECEC will also provide educational materials for children and families during the closure week.
The National Head Start Association sponsors the conference. NHSA is committed to the belief that every child, regardless of circumstances at birth, has the ability to succeed in life. Since 1974, NHSA has worked for policy changes that ensure all income-eligible children have access to the Head Start model.
Tami Brungard
ECE Leader
Updated Dec. 14, 2022
Friday, Dec. 30, will be an Early Release Day. Children at the Early Childhood Education Center need to be picked up no later than noon.
SRPMIC leaders approved half-day leave on Dec. 16 for all staff; however, ECEC staff were unable to utilize this important time off on 12/16. Therefore, ECEC staff will instead use the half-day leave on 12/30. That means there will be no extended day care offered at the ECEC past noon on Dec. 30. The ECEC asks that all families make plans to pick up their children no later than noon, as we will close our buildings at that time.
Additionally, all Salt River Schools will be closed Monday, Jan. 2, in recognition of the New Year holiday. Tuesday, Jan. 3, our campus will be closed to students/families for staff professional development.
Students will return to campus/ECEC services will resume on Wednesday, Jan. 4.
Please reach out to your child’s teacher or Family Advocate if you have any questions or concerns. From our school family to yours, have a blessed holiday season!
Tami Brungard
Early Childhood Education Leader
[email protected]
Click here to download the letter.
Updated Dec. 9, 2022
Three children at the ECEC have confirmed cases of influenza (the flu). This message includes information about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our site. Without violating the confidentiality of these children, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Dec. 6, 2022
A child at the ECEC has a confirmed case of influenza (the flu). This message includes information about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our site. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Nov. 29, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child,the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Nov. 28, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Nov. 22, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Nov. 21, 2022
Wednesday, Nov. 23, is an Early Release Day. Students at the Early Childhood Education Center release at noon; bus riders release at 1 p.m.
This week will be different. SRPMIC and Salt River Schools leadership approved half-day leave on Nov. 23 for all staff. That means there will be no extended day care offered at the ECEC on Nov. 23; the ECEC asks that all families make plans to pick up their children at noon (bus riders will dismiss at the normal early release time of 1 p.m.).
All Salt River Schools buildings and offices will close at noon (or whenever all students have been dismissed) on Wednesday, Nov. 23. Additionally, all Salt River Schools will be closed Thursday, Nov. 24, and Friday, Nov. 25, in recognition of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Please reach out to your child’s teacher or Family Advocate if you have any questions or concerns.
From our school family to yours, have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday.
Tami Brungard
Early Childhood Education Leader
[email protected]
Updated Nov. 18, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Nov. 17, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child,the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Nov. 10, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child,the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Nov. 8, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Nov. 7, 2022
The Early Childhood Education Center is focused on mitigating and
preventing the spread of viruses. We have received guidance and training from the Community Public Health Officer.
Moving forward, we will focus on the thorough health check every child receives each school day. Additionally, we will conduct temperature screenings until the number of viral illness cases at the ECEC declines.
The daily health check starts in the classrooms. If there is a health
concern, families are directed to complete the health check in the ECEC health office. Our health assistants will determine whether or not a child should attend that day based on how the health check goes.
We encourage families to allow a little more time during morning drop for the daily health check and temperature screening. Our goal is to support families and children and keep everyone safe. Questions? Call the ECEC at 480-362-2200.
Updated Oct. 31, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Also: A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Oct. 27, 2022
A child at the ECEC has or is suspected of having Respiratory Syncytial Virus, also known as RSV; a different student has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. These are two separate cases. This message is to inform you about RSV and Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease, as well as provide you with the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating anyone’s confidentiality, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Oct. 24, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Oct. 20, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Oct. 19, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Oct. 18, 2022
A child at the ECEC has or is suspected of having Respiratory Syncytial Virus, also known as RSV; a different student has been diagnosed with strep throat; and another student has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. These are three separate cases.
This message is to inform you about RSV, strep throat, and Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease, as well as provide you with the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Oct. 14, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Oct. 11, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Oct. 4, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child,the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Sept. 29, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Sept. 28, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of strep throat. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Sept. 19, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of strep throat. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Sept. 16, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Impetigo. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Sept. 12, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Sept. 7, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated August 25, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Wednesday, Aug. 24. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated Aug. 16, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Aug. 16, 2022
The ECEC is enforcing a two-week mask policy for staff and adult visitors on our campus effective August 15 through August 26. Children are encouraged to wear masks but are not required to. We will have masks available at the front office for anyone who needs one. Questions? Call the ECEC at 480-362-2200.
Updated August 15, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Friday, Aug. 12. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated August 11, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Wednesday, Aug. 10. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated August 9, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Monday, Aug. 8. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated August 8, 2022
We recently became aware of another individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Thursday, Aug. 4. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated Aug. 5, 2022
UPDATE (3:30PM on 8/5/22): Electricity has been fully restored to the Early Childhood Education Center. We look forward to seeing students and families back on Monday, Aug. 8! Questions? Call 480-362-2200.
The ECEC campus will be closed today, Friday, Aug. 5, due to the fact our facility has no power after a recent construction incident. No one was hurt, but we’re not sure how long we’ll be without power, and we cannot safely bring staff or students into the building at this time. We expect power to be returned to our site later today, and we'll update you when we have more information.
We know this is a great inconvenience, and we appreciate your understanding and support. Questions can be directed to Tami Brungard, ECE leader, at [email protected]. Or, call Salt River Schools Administration at 480-362-2500.
Thank you,
Taté Walker
Communications & PR Director
Salt River Schools
Updated Aug. 4, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated Aug. 3, 2022
The safety of our students and staff is very important to us. In order to maintain a safe environment for our children to grow and learn, it is necessary that we practice our emergency response plans from time to time.
The ECEC practices four primary emergency drills each year: Fire, Lockdown, Shelter-in-Place, and Evacuation drills. Learn more about these drills here.
Today, August 3, the ECEC participated in its first Lockdown Drill. Staff and students were notified of this drill and discussed the importance of being safe in the classroom. When the Lockdown was announced, children were moved to a safe place in the classroom. Staff locked the doors and closed the blinds and ensured children were quiet during the drill.
The Safe Schools & Security team and our School Resource Officer checked all doors and verified that all classrooms were in lockdown. Once cleared, classrooms were released from the drill. Everyone did a great job, and we encourage families to talk with children about the drill and why it is important to practice.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call 480-362-2200.
Updated July 25, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Wednesday, July 20. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated July 18, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Thursday, July 14. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated July 12, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Tuesday, July 12. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated July 11, 2022
This is a quick message to remind everyone to practice good driving and vehicle awareness whether you’re on campus or out and about.
There was an incident Friday, July 8, in front of the Early Childhood Education Center where a vehicle was pulled over by the Salt River Police Department. Some folks who saw the scene have expressed concerns, and I want to assure everyone that this incident did not involve a Salt River Schools employee or family. The person who was pulled over works for one of the third party contractors making updates to the ECEC this summer.
I have been in contact with Public Works, our Security team, and the owner of the company today, and I can assure you that our staff and families are safe and the situation has had no impact on our day-to-day operations or our construction timeline. I hope this can serve as a reminder to drive safely, use good judgement, abide by all driving laws, and be aware of your surroundings, especially on the road.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me.
Dr. Vicky Corlett
Acting Interim Superintendent
Updated July 11, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Thursday, July 7. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated July 7, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from the Early Childhood Education Center with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at the ECEC on Friday, July 1. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated July 5, 2022
A student at the Early Childhood Education Center has a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating the confidentiality of this child, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice, which was also sent in a broadcast to ECEC families.
Updated July 1, 2022
ECEC summer hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and end Friday, July 22. There will be no students on campus July 25-29 to allow ECEC staff to prepare for the official start of the school year on Monday, August 1!