You're Invited: CCDF Open Forum
Posted on 04/08/2019

The ECEC will host an open forum Thursday, May 2, from 5-7 p.m. at the Education Board room to discuss potential changes to the Child Care Development Fund Plan.
Click here to review the PDF slides that will be presented during the Open Forum to discuss the CCDF Plan for 2020-2022. The Open Forum meets CCDF requirements for a public hearing.
The attachment linked above includes potential changes being considered to the current 2017-19 plan, information about how to provide public input for the new plan, and next steps to finalizing the plan.
Open Forum Agenda:
- Presentation: 25 minutes (hold comments until finished please)
- Open for public comment
- Comments will be limited to 5 minutes to allow all to speak
- Written feedback forms are available for additional comments or for those who do not wish to speak in front of a crowd
Questions about the May 2 Open Forum or the CCDF program can be directed to Tami Brungard, ECEC Leader, at 480-362-2200.