Talk About Tuesdays: Spring 2023
Posted on 02/02/2023
Talk About Tuesday is scheduled for ECEC parents/guardians the third Tuesday in February, March, and April from 7:30-9:30 a.m. in the ECEC Gathering Place.
Learn important information, eat breakfast, and make connections with staff and other families!
Come and go as your schedule allows. Register (so we know how much food/supplies to purchase) by calling/texting 480-247-1854.
Feb. 21 |
Self-Care and a Calming Activity: We will create a succulent garden in a repurposed cup or small container. The first 15 parents to sign up will receive material for the project. We’ll also practice Conscious Discipline breathing and calming techniques.
March 21 |
Spring Cleaning 101 and Organization: We'll discuss basic organizational skills and many helpful tips. There will be door prizes to win!