The ECEC receives federal funding from the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF), which is used to subsidize the Extended Day program at the ECEC and also the Certificate Program. Funding is available to eligible children ages birth to 12 years.
Your input is needed as we discuss proposed changes to the services provided with CCDF Funds.
Our public hearing was held on Tuesday, Oct. 18 (in-person and streamed live on MS Teams), and was advertised for more than a month on this page, in the newspaper, on social media, and posted on several notice boards. SRPMIC members are welcome to view the plan, its major changes, and submit a comment, as are Native families and child care providers within the CCDF service area of Mesa, Tempe, Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Glendale. Click here to view the current CCDF Plan (2020-2022).
Watch the recording of the CCDF Public Hearing below. Click the YouTube link to find time stamps in the video description.
Click here to download our comment form after reviewing the plan and proposed changes. Comments must be received no later than Thursday, Nov. 10. You may submit your comments via email to [email protected] or turn them in at the ECEC front office.
You can see CCDF in action with all the wonderful construction projects that have taken place and will continue the next couple of years. The ECEC will consider all comments before completing the new CCDF Plan.
Questions? Call the ECEC at 480-362-2200.