January 10 Notices

January 10 Notices
Posted on 01/10/2025
This is the image for the news article titled January 10 NoticesThere are a few notices we'd like to make ECEC families aware of:

IMPETIGO: A child at the ECEC has a confirmed case of Impetigo, a common and contagious skin infection among children. Click here to view our notice, or you can request a printed copy from the ECEC front desk during business hours. This is a good reminder to keep children home if they present any symptoms of illness, especially fever, to avoid spreading germs to others.

FIRE DRILL: This morning, Jan. 10, the ECEC practiced a fire drill with our Safe Schools & Security team in partnership with the Salt River Fire Department. These safety drills are practiced several times throughout the year so that children are prepared in the event of a real emergency. Click here for a great parent resource on how to discuss emergency responders with children.

CROSSWALK SAFETY: We want to remind families driving along Center Street and in our campus parking lot to be mindful of the crosswalks and the pedestrians using the crosswalks. There are concerns that drivers are not yielding to pedestrians, which is a big safety concern. Remember: The speed limit in school zones is only 15MPH. Our SRPD School Resource Officer Brown provided these safety tips for pedestrians

PHOTO IDs: We also need to remind families that if you have a family member pick up your child, that person MUST present a picture ID to our staff. If they don't have a photo ID, then ECEC will not release the child into their care, regardless of whether or not staff know the person. This is another big safety issue. Additionally, when you call the ECEC to speak with us about your child, including family member pick up or emergency card updates, that you need to verify your code word. Not sure what that is? Ask your Family Advocate for assistance. Both of these policies are outlined in our handbook, as well.

KINDERGARTEN ROUNDUP: We encourage families with 4-year-olds to attend Kindergarten Roundup at Salt River Elementary School on Thursday, Jan. 16, anytime from 1:30-5 p.m. There are awesome prizes for families that turn in their completed registration forms that day! Of course, you can turn in your forms for next school year anytime, but if you do it next Wednesday, you'll be entered to win OdySea Aquarium passes, tickets to Butterfly Wonderland, movie tickets, or other fun prizes! Plus, SRES staff will be available to not only help you fill out your forms, but also take you on a tour of the school, meet teachers, and answer any questions you have. Click here to learn more about the SRES Kindergarten Roundup event!

If you have any questions about any of these notices, call the ECEC at 480-362-2200.
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