The Early Childhood Education Center is excited to welcome parents/guardians to our annual Goodie Gathering - a safe walking tour around the ECEC campus where children can collect treats from our school and Community partners.
Goodie Gathering is Tuesday, Oct. 29, from 10-11:30 a.m. It's a fun time with cute and creative costumes, activities, and healthy snacks! Children can wear costumes, but please back extra clothes for them; no masks allowed.
While parents and adult relatives are welcome to attend, non-enrolled ECEC children are not allowed at this event.
Although it is unnecessary, visiting families are welcome to bring healthy treats to share with their child's classroom; if you are dressing in costume, please make sure it is non-scary/non-violent. The SRPMIC Gang Ordinance will be enforced.
Questions? Call 480-362-2200 or visit ECEC.SaltRiverSchools.org.